Time Capsule Files: Cosplay Part 1

Welcome to the Time Capsule Series, where I shall busy myself with clearing the rather massive backlog, about which you have been asking me often and MAY have lost hope of seeing online. Well, I spent last night editing and I am now ready to start with the cosplay of 14/11/2008, the one following the BIOS fiasco and done so close to the latter, in order to make up for the cosplayers who had to come in full costume and leave so early (although we DID have fun after all, as you remember).

In fact, I got there so early (even before the place opened for the night) that I had plenty of time to kill before the party started. Thankfully, Sarcana was there, all gothed-up AND riled up for a photo-shoot, so I took advantage of the occasion… Enjoy the spectacle!

With that, this concludes the first part of that cosplay, with tons more to go but as I said, all will be posted in due time.

Hope you had fun,


10 Responses to “Time Capsule Files: Cosplay Part 1”

  1. The dude is Sasuke 🙂

  2. speedxgrapher Says:

    Arigatou na, orochi-chan.

  3. Teleio to sequence me Oremo kai Anastasia lol
    alla pantou th Niovi thv grafeis Ofue instead of Ogue O_O (kapoios biazotan na tis anebasei mhpws?)

  4. speedxgrapher Says:

    Hum, m@l@ki@, nomiza in fact pos itan “Ofue”… Tha ta diorthoso molis boreso. Angatou.

  5. Tnx once again for the great work

  6. speedxgrapher Says:

    Thank YOU for making my life easy with great cosplays!

  7. […] Final Fantasy Cosplay Yes, I know it’s obviously not the next in line of the Time Capsule Files but given that it’s more recent, the first themed Cosplay Party AND that many of you have […]

  8. […] busy as I finally work on the missing Cosplay and Visual files (in fact, we will continue where the Time Capsule Files left off). The first is the complete movie of Interstella 5555:  The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar […]

  9. DIimitris Says:

    Alfred Hitchcock – Always make the audience suffer as much as possible.

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